Color Explorer

Color Explorer

This is a great site for designers (print or web) who are having color blockage at 2am, like me. What is Color Explorer? Simply put, ColorExplorer is an online toolbox for working with color palettes. Being a little more elaborate, the current site is the result of...


Download Photos & Videos from Instagram! This site is easy to use and free for now. All you need to do is paste in the URL from the Instagram photo link from your account or that someone may have sent you and press download. The image will appear on the left, then...
Make your own Cold and Flu Tea

Make your own Cold and Flu Tea

by Betsy Jabs | DIYNatural The herbs in this cold and flu blend were chosen for their ability to stimulate the immune system, fight viruses and bacteria, and ease the uncomfortable symptoms of a cold or flu. Ingredients for tea blend: ¼ cup dried echinacea leaves...
Current Postage Rates

Current Postage Rates

Wonder how much a stamp is now? Check out Current Postage The website is up to date with the current cost of postage and gives you the latest and most recent price of postal services. They have designed their site so that it is easy to look up postal rates...
BCW Supplies & Accessories for Collectibles

BCW Supplies & Accessories for Collectibles

BCW Supplies provides you with the best products to protect, store, and display your treasured collectables. From coin holders to basketball display cases, they specialize in carrying accessories for every hobby. Not only is their inventory impressive, but their...


Instantly borrow free digital movies, music, and more, 24/7 with your library card. Librarian’s Life: A Day with hoopla This is “Librarian’s Life: A Day with hoopla” by hoopla digital on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people...